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EDERED (European Drama Encounters - Rencontres Européennes de Drama) is een meerdaagse Europese theaterontmoeting voor jongeren, die elk jaar in een ander Europees land wordt georganiseerd.


Dit jaar is het Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum (TPZ) Brixen gastorganisator van EDERED:

  • Donderdag 14 tot en met zondag 24 augustus 2025
  • Bressaronon/Brixen (Zuid-Tirol, Italië)

Binnenkort kan iedereen tussen 12 en 16 jaar zich hier inschrijven voor deze ontmoeting. Let op: slechts acht deelnemers kunnen deelnemen.

Voertaal: Engels

Dit was EDERED 2024 in Gent

Tijdens EDERED 2024 werkten jongeren van over heel Europa een performance uit rond het thema 'Louder together!'. Die lieten ze op het einde van de week aan het publiek zien in CAMPO Victoria in Gent.

Benieuwd naar het resultaat? Bekijk de reportage van DOEK!:

Omdat EDERED een internationaal project is, is de onderstaande informatie in het Engels.

Ever since 1982, young people from all over Europe (aged between 18 and 26) have been able to meet each other during EDERED, a multi-day European theatre encounter. Through a diverse program of intensive intercultural workshops and social activities, young people get to know each other, the city and new theatre techniques. The participants will work towards a final performance to be performed at the end of EDERED. In 2024, EDERED was organized in Belgium, with OPENDOEK as local host, ASBL Tremplins as co-organizer and Hippolyte Bohou as artistic director.

The ten day event, themed 'Louder Together!', took place in Ghent, the European Youth Capital of 2024. EDERED had thirteen participating countries in 2024: Germany, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Greece, UK, Turkey, Austria, Finland, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium. Besides the workshops, OPENDOEK also organized group activities to get to know not only each other, but also the city of Ghent and the local theatre scene.

Artistic Director: Hippolyte Bohouo

Hippolyte Bohouo trained at the School of Theatre and Dance in Abidjan, after dancing for Kamel Ouali and Georges Momboye. He moved to Belgium in 2010, where he has created a number of works that resonate with his current situation. In 2014, he created ‘Pourquoi ne parles-tu pas’ (a choreographic piece for 4 dancers and an actor) at Studio Thor in Brussels. In 2016, he created ‘Tour d'ivoire’, at the Manège in Mons (choreography for 5 dancers). The same year, he assisted Serge Aimé Coulibaly on the piece ‘No Emergency Exit’ with the graduating students of Art au carré in Mons. After creating ‘Zouglou’ in 2019 at the Théâtre Le 140, in 2021 he embarked on the adventure of creating ‘Miettes de vie’ at the École des Sables with 16 dancers. The same year, he created a show with young people for the EDERED project on the theme of "Urban Jungle", performed at Les Riches-Claires in Brussels and projected online for the other participating countries. In 2022, he repeated the EDERED experience in Croatia with a dozen young people from different countries on the theme of 220volts. Driven by the urgency and need to speak with a social and political commitment, his powerful and sensitive creations explore subjects linked to human and societal issues.

Co-organisator: ASBL Tremplins

ASBL Tremplins' main task is to organise the Brussels Babel Festival. A festival where young people express themselves around a specific theme through various art forms such as theatre, visual arts, dance and more. Through this festival, they aim to promote equal opportunities, better living together and encounters with diversity in the Brussels Region. They tackle social problems through artistic creation, building bridges between the artistic sector, youth associations, schools and cultural organisations in the Brussels region.

Questions about EDERED? Please contact

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Sven Vanrietvelde

coördinator events en speelhetslim (cursussen, theateradvies & trajectbegeleiding)
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Hannah Baudouin

Coördinator JongDOEK

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