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OPENDOEK is the organization that inspires, facilitates and supports theater in leisure time in Flanders and Brussels, allowing authors, makers, actors, storytellers and audiences to develop artistically and socially.

LJF22 Ikben Nora Pronk c Karolina Maruszak1

Leisure time theatre reaches a substantial amount of people in Flanders and Brussels and thus has an important social and economical impact.

  • 1 in 4 people in Flanders has ever practiced theatre
  • 1 in 3 people in Flanders watches theatre now and then
  • Every year, 1.5 million people go to leisure time theatre

OPENDOEK is the only organization in Flanders & Brussels for leisure time theatre. We’re here for everyone with a passion for theatre. OPENDOEK wants to support all forms of theatre and neighboring art forms.

You can find OPENDOEK’s open house in Antwerp (Italiëlei 6). Come and say hi!
You can also reach us via e-mail (info@opendoek.be) or phone (03 222 40 90).
Or follow us on Facebook and Instagram (mainly in Dutch).

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